
An online space for queer, questioning, lesbian, bi, trans and everything else in between women at Yale

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

can we have interactive posts?

1) what is your most awkward/funniest hook up story?

2) and if that is too embarrassing, then what is the best date you've ever had?

answer one, both, neither....whatever. This is out of curiosity and boredom as I sit in lab waiting for a subject to finish. In need of some giggles.

with sapphic love,



Anonymous said...

I´ll tell you more later caus i actually am in an interesting class....but

treats treats treats treats treats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dragonfly said...

oh lawdy, don't know if im ready for this...

Ryan said...

lol. for better or for worse, this is really easy. Some time in the winter of freshman year my roommate walked in on me mid-hookup. only, I had this sixth sense that the door wasn't locked so just as I rolled out of bed to go lock it- leaving the poor kid I was with stranded mostly naked in my bed- she walked in.
It was hilarious and pretty successfully killed the mood, which in hind sight was definitely for the best.

Anonymous said...

my ex-girlfriend identifies as straight back home. she was an athlete...I was student government president. her mom was so surprised when we started hanging out a lot. i would spend the night as a "friend". One morning her mom opened the door super excited to tell us she made eggs and bacon or something...and i was on top of her daughter, kissing her neck...

Anonymous said...

whoaaa that must have been so awkward, what did the mom say/do?

Anonymous said...

Here's one:
My gf and I were making out on the top floor of my house. We were the only ones in the house. Suddenly, we hear the front door open and my mom screaming "I'm home" so I freak out, because that generally means that she's either going to go upstairs to her room (where my gf and I were) or that my brother would do that. So instead of just getting dressed or of thinking of some discrete way of handling the situation. Oh, because btw, we could not close nor lock the door because the door is just messed up like that. My instinct was to SCREAM: Don't come up!!! AWWKWAARDDD 'cause you can just imagine my Mom panicking and hysterically asking why??? "Uhhhh...we're trying clothes on and we're changing" It was an epic fail. Plus my mom was suspicious about my sexuality at this point, so you can imagine how worried her voice was.