
An online space for queer, questioning, lesbian, bi, trans and everything else in between women at Yale

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Oh, what a beautiful feeling it was when I close my notebook today and packed my bag for the last time. Spring break as officially started, even though I have a essay to do over break, like, whatever. I now plan on basking in the beautiful warm New York Sun, drinking absolutely non-alcoholic beverages and reading literature that's not school related. However, a good few of my friends will be going to Florida and hanging out with hot chicks or something. Not that I'm jealous or anything.

My town, on the other hand, has girls who wear legging as pants, but all the time, and they can't pull it off. Which is why I think I'll be staying inside most of this spring break.

Anyway, I wish everyone a very very good break. I'll be off, celebrating my freedom, and I hope everyone else is doing the same as well.


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