
An online space for queer, questioning, lesbian, bi, trans and everything else in between women at Yale

Monday, February 22, 2010

Thoughts at half past 2 am...

Lovely queer women of Yale!

I am so excited about this space for us. To laugh, share stories, ideas, thoughts, ...complain...whatever! What an awesome thing to have at our very fingertips.

So it's four minutes to 2 am....and I have yet to start work since Thursday morning. I'm sitting with my ladyfriend and she's eating these crackers that smell like fish-food and listening to Vitamin String Quartet (a must for studying music). I'm reflecting on this past weekend in Philly while listening to lovely violin music. The IvyQ Conference at UPenn was amazing. Too much fun.

I learned so much from this weekend. On a positive note, that the world is heading in such a wonderful direction--and we hold the power to influence that direction with the resources and relationships we make on a daily basis. On a less positive note, that there are many people within the queer community that need to be educated about some queer issues/topics. (I had no idea so many gay men ACTUALLY have NO idea how women interact sexually? That some think that girls can not have sex? Unacceptable....perhaps a Lez101 course for the boys? :)

My favorite moments from the weekend....
At the Queer Women's party at one of the UPenn girl's house, a friend and I started to play "Never Have I Ever" just the two of us. Somehow, from all the way across the room, a couple girls saw our fingers up (lesbian super-vision powers) and jumped over the couch to join. Before we knew it, every girl at the party (25+ girls!) had joined the circle. I haven't done that since high school---it was hilarious and so much fun.

After this our beautiful Sappho co-coordinator reenacted her monologue from Vagina Monologues. Mariana did loud moans for so many queer women, was interrupted by more people coming in during the "Militant Bisexual Moan." Thankfully one of the ladies who walked in is bi and arrived just in time to enjoy.

Later on...mistaking Alejandro for a girl at the banquet. That was great. He looks HOTTTT in drag. Amazing calves...why can't I have those?

Hearing that when a couple guys passed out the last night...instead of coloring their faces with sharpies, shaving an eyebrow... the boys poured glitter all over his head. Welcome to the Gayborhood.

I hope all of you women are not having too much trouble this week with midterms. If it makes you feel better, I am wildly behind.

But I'm smiling. Because my heart is filled with sapphic love, I'm looking at an adorable pink screen, and my tea is still hot.

Sweet dreams ladies.

1 comment:

Franka Pye said...

See this makes me really want to go through with the course on lesbian sex....to clear up all thigh grabbing, face hitting, myths about lesbian sex hahaha.