
An online space for queer, questioning, lesbian, bi, trans and everything else in between women at Yale

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I love Star Trek

Last night I was taking a trip down memory lane. I grew up on Star Trek - my mom and I bonded over Star Trek: Voyager while it was actually running, and my adolescence was sprinkled with beautiful experiences with the syndicated series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Usually when I tell non-science nerds about how great Star Trek is, they just roll their eyes. HOWEVER! Last night as I was searching through the Next Generation episode database, I stumbled over one of the most intriguing episodes that I had ever remembered seeing. It blows my mind that I had forgotten about it until now.

This is one of the most queer-positive science fiction plots I have even encountered. The episode ran for the first time back in 1992. The premise is simply that the crew encounters an alien species that has no gender. In working with this species called the J'nai, Commander Riker discovers that one of them seems to be different. Seems to be mysteriously . . . female.

If you have 45 minutes to spare (and you know you do) you should check this out. I watched it last night and now I'm walking on air about how proud I am to be a Star Trek geek. Who knows, maybe you'll wanna be my friend so we can watch more excellent episodes together :)

Here's the Surf the Channel Link: http://www.surfthechannel.com/video/202/39503.html

Much love and final paper writing :)

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

I LOVE Star Trek. Particularly Voyager. I kind of also always thought Janeway was queer. Haven't seen this particular TGN episode, but looking forward to it :)